Public Art
A Place to Regard Beauty

To celebrate the life of arts patron Mary Shirley, Seattle Art Museum commissioned Ruffner to create a place at Olympic Sculpture Part to rest, refle…
The Urban Garden

Located at the NW corner of 7th Avenue & Union Street in downtown Seattle. Several types of giant flowers bloom atop a large steel flowerpot. In…
Machan School "Oasis"

Machan School, Phoenix, AZ, a commission from the Phoenix Arts Commission. A barren playground was provided with an "oasis" including shade, seating…
Security Pacific Gallery Wings

Artist on the design team, Security Pacific Gallery, Seattle, WA, in collaboration with NBBJ Architects, Seattle, WA. Commissioned by Security Paci…
Bellevue Convention Center, model

Artist on the design team, Bellevue Convention Center, Bellevue, WA, in collaboration with Kohn Pederson Fox Architects, New York, NY. Commissioned b…
South Park Community Center

The Unified Playing Field Theory, a three-part public art project, completed in 1989 at the South Park Community Center. Seattle, WA. Part one: E…